Premium Brushes at Zacs4you
All Wise Owl premier brushes are made with premium synthetic filaments which have gone through extensive processing in order to maximize paint pickup and release, durability of brush, and sharpness of tips. The filaments are bonded onto the ferrule with an epoxy to ensure there is no filament loss when painting. All of the handles are stained.
All brush filaments go through a tipping and flagging process. Tipping sharpens the tips of the filament for precise edging, while flagging creates micro split-ends on the tips of the filaments to reduce brush streaks and to increase surface area for paint pickup on head of filament.
Brushes are offered in different styles for different preferences and uses.
The Wise Owl 2” palm brush has an ultra-firm stiffness and it is designed for wax/salve application on very large surfaces. The Wise Owl 1.5” round brush is a firm stiffness, while the remaining brushes are a medium-firm stiffness.
The remaining brushes can be used for any surface and application (although some excel better at some applications then others). The round brush would excel with painting spindles or stippling. The flat brush would excel in maximizing consistency of finish. Micro is for hard to reach places, applying glaze, and edging. Oval brush well-rounded and probably the most versatile brush.